I am a Registered Nurse of over 25 years and a holistic health and wellness coach. I’ve spent the last 2 decades working in the clinical world, and always longed for something more. Over the last few years I have been walking through a transformative journey of self discovery in my own life and discovered the joy of serving others as a holistic transformational coach, bringing together my experience and knowledge in healthcare and my passion for coaching.

I created Daffodil Pathways Transformational Coaching during a time of my own struggle, and self discovery. I felt a shift to create something I was so passionate about. I wanted to share this space, walk together to serve and support women in this time of life.

On this journey for you I will walk side by side with you, meeting you where you are on your path so you can expand and find deep fulfillment in your life.

My mission is to guide you towards empowerment.

My goal is for you to lead a more joyful, energetic, healthy lifestyle and feel well informed about your future health…
and find your way back to YOU!

Hi, I’m Kristin!

I am honored that you are here…

With the daffodils, nature weaves a tapestry of renewal, reminding us that every ending births a new beginning.” – Rumi

My Mission

I am so passionate about the topic of this transition of life for women, the perimenopause/menopause transition, that I don’t even want to call it “Mid-Life” anymore, so from here on out you are now in the….

Perennial Transition

The ever blooming, resilient, strong and transformative time of your life.

Let me share something with you. I have been YOU. I struggled with not knowing what was going on in my own body too during this time.

I felt overwhelmed, depressed, lost and frustrated with how my body felt. I was so aware of it, as if someone took over my body and replaced it with a tired, overheated, depressed, anxiety filled woman. I contemplated how I would ever find my way back.

Not to mention how everyone around me felt about it. They were only looking at me on the outside, how could they possibly know how this felt inside?

During this time, I spent about 6 months in what felt like complete darkness and honestly I didn’t care at the time if I came out or not, it was really dark and scary.

I needed emotional support and didn’t realize it. I hired a therapist and a wellness coach, they helped me find my way back to a place where I could think clearly and make some decisions, set some goals and see the light again.

I started prioritizing mindfulness, nutrition, and moving in ways that felt good to ME! I noticed a true shift in my overall wellbeing after implementing these changes.

Come along this journey with me of rebirth.

If you are longing to be fully held in this experience I would be honored to be your guide on this pathway of transformation

Now accepting HSA Cards!

How are you feeling?

Maybe you are so mentally and physically fatigued it’s difficult to get out of bed?

You might be wondering how your health suddenly started to feel like it was on the decline, like you’ve lost your way, and you want someone to believe in you, validate you?

Do you remember how good you used to feel in your body and now you may feel like your body isn’t your own?

I sure did..

Did you once feel happy, and now your mood fluctuates daily, so much so that you can go from being in a good mood to feeling like you are ready to punch someone’s lights out? It’s frustrating and frightening. It’s so frustrating because, this is happening, and you feel you have no control over it.

Welcome to Menopause!

You probably feel as if you have lost yourself,

Oh I get it 100%

If this resonates with you, then you are in the right place!

I was you, and I can help you become empowered, informed and move through this time of your life with grace and more ease so you feel joy, energy and overall wellness again!

I finally found the sweet spot!

How is this possible you ask?

  • Let’s start with navigating the changes, nutrition, movement and your habits of daily life, that’s a priority!

  • Once we have an idea how that’s going then we can walk down the path of exploring your identity, your passions.

  • What empowers you?

  • What are your values and your own Perennial mission statement?

  • What are your relationships like?

  • We will cultivate awareness in your body and mind, bringing you back to you once again.

Together, we will nurture these attributes, empowering you to embody a newfound confidence, joy, and vitality, enabling you to bloom amidst this period of transformation.

Copyright 2024 Dandelion Transformations LLC