Frequently Asked Questions

What is your educational background? I know you are a nurse but are you trained specifically in menopause?

I am a Registered Nurse with over 25 years of clinical experience with a Bachelors Degree in Nursing. I am also a certified Menopause Specialist through the Med-Fit Network.

Do you only coach Nurses?

Nope, I coach ALL women in the perimenopause/menopause transition who are looking for support, and yes nurses too!

Who do you coach specifically?

I coach all women going through the perimenopause/menopause transition who are feeling stuck, overwhelmed and want their life back! Or if you have gone through premature menopause due to a surgical procedure like a oophorectomy, or due to medication or other health conditions, yes I would love to offer you coaching.

What is the difference between a coach and a therapist?

Although both professions can help you get to a better place, therapists are trained to treat mental illness or other significant emotional and relational concerns, while coaches seek to help you with mental fitness in a specific area.

Therapists are trained mental health professionals licensed by your state, with the goal of treating mental illness. A therapist will develop a personalized mental health plan for you based on your diagnosis. They may use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR, and other specific modalities of therapy.

Coaching is a collaborative approach, and a partner who provides the space, education, and support to help you understand and set goals for yourself. Coaches use deep transformation coaching, breathwork along with health and wellness interventions. RN Nurse coaches are also Board Certified by the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation (AHNCC) this is a national certification for Registered Nurses based on the training.

However, having a therapist and coach can be a great collaboration and benefit!

How much does coaching cost?

Coaching cost depends on the package that you are interested in. My packages run from $300-$3000 depending on the length of time you would like to spend working with me.

Do you accept HSA Plans or have a payment plan?

Yes! I accept HSA cards and Yes, I can also create a payment plan for you.

Do you have a group coaching container?

Send me a quick email and yes we can talk about a group container specific to your needs. Currently I don’t have any groups running. Keep an eye out here, or subscribe to my email for updates on groups and retreats.

Do you collaborate or refer to other specialists or providers?

Yes of course! I love collaborating with other specialists or providers. I work with nutritionists, fitness experts and other local and national specialists. I can also help you find a provider through the menopause network of providers at

Can you only coach in certain states?

I can coach anywhere in the world!

Do you hold your coaching sessions in person or virtual?

Although I do most of my coaching virtually, I can also meet you in person depending on where you live.

Still have another question? Send me a quick email and I’ll get right back to you within 24 hours